Why do you say InshAllah on everything?

Have you heard someone say “Inshallah” and wondered why? “Inshallah is an Arabic word that means ” if Allah wills” or “God willing,” Muslims say it often to show hope or a wish and to show that only Allah knows the future. In this article, we will learn why people say “Inshallah” so much and […]
Attention Muslims: We are making a great offer

Attention Muslims: We are excited to announce an excellent offer for parents! If you enroll two of your children to learn the Quran at our academy, we will teach the Quran to a third child for free. This offer is a wonderful opportunity for families to provide all their children with quality Quranic education. The […]
What problems do Muslims face regarding religion in America?

Islam is growing quickly in America. More people are learning about and joining Islam. Muslims in the U.S. have many problems with their faith. They often face unfair treatment called discrimination. They can feel alone or left out. These problems come from not knowing enough about Islam. This article wants to help people understand these […]