Angels, known as “Mala’ika” in Arabic, play a pivotal role in Islamic theology. They are believed to be creatures created from pure light and serve as Allah’s messengers and helpers. Angels are mentioned numerous times in the Quran and Hadiths, and their roles are varied, ranging from delivering divine messages to recording human deeds. Let’s dive into some of the most fascinating facts about angels in Islam, especially their roles as described in the Quran.

What are Angels?
Definition of Angels in Islam
In Islam, angels are special beings created by Allah. They live in the heavens and always do what Allah tells them. Angels are very obedient and never disobey Allah. They are not free to choose or do things on their own as humans do. Allah gave them important jobs, and they carry out these tasks perfectly. Angels do not have feelings or desires like humans. Their only purpose is to follow Allah’s commands. They are mentioned many times in the Quran, where we learn about the different things they do to help and guide people.
The Creation of Angels from Light
In Islam, we believe that angels are created from light. This is very special because humans were made from clay, and jinn were made from smokeless fire, but angels are different. They are pure and bright because they come from light. This makes them very special and different from all other creations of Allah. Angels do everything that Allah asks them to do without any question. Since they are made from light, they are always good and follow Allah’s commands perfectly. This is what makes angels unique and important among all the things Allah has made.
Roles and Duties of Angels in Islam
Delivering Divine Messages
In Islam, one of the most important jobs of angels is to deliver messages from Allah to the prophets. These messages are very important because they help guide people to follow the right path. The most famous angel who does this is Angel Jibreel (Gabriel). He had a very special job of bringing the Quran, which is Allah’s holy book, to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Jibreel came to the Prophet many times to share Allah’s words with him. This shows how important angels are because they help share Allah’s guidance with humans, especially the prophets so that we can learn how to live good and kind lives.
Recording Deeds of Humans
In Islam, every person has two special angels with them all the time. These angels are called “Kiraman Katibin,” which means Noble Recorders. Their job is very important because they write down everything a person does. One angel writes down all the good deeds, like when we pray, help others, or say kind words. The other angel writes down the bad deeds, like when someone lies or hurts others. On the Day of Judgment, these records will be shown to Allah, and people will be judged based on what they did in their lives. These angels help us remember that our actions matter and that we should try to do good things every day.
Protecting and Guarding People
In Islam, angels also have the important job of protecting and guarding people. These special angels are called “Mu’aqqibat,” which means Guardian Angels. Their job is to watch over us and keep us safe from harm. They are always with us, even though we cannot see them. They make sure that nothing bad happens to us unless it is part of Allah’s plan. These angels guide and protect us from dangers we don’t even know about. They are a reminder that Allah is always caring for us and watching over us through these special angels.
Angels Mentioned in the Quran
Archangel Jibreel (Gabriel)
In Islam, one of the most important angels mentioned in the Quran is Jibreel, also known as Gabriel. Jibreel has a very special job. He is responsible for bringing messages from Allah to the prophets. The most important message he delivered was the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Jibreel came to the Prophet many times to tell him Allah’s words. This makes Jibreel a very important angel because he helped the prophets understand what Allah wanted them to do. Without Jibreel, we wouldn’t have the Quran, which is Allah’s guidance for all of us. He plays a big role in helping people know and follow Allah’s teachings.
Mikhail (Michael)
In Islam, Mikhail, also known as Michael, is another very important angel. His job is to make sure that everything in the world has what it needs to live. Mikhail is responsible for sending rain to the earth, which helps plants grow and gives water to people and animals. He also takes care of other natural processes, like making sure the seasons change and that everything in nature works the way it should. Mikhail helps make sure that all of Allah’s creations have food, water, and the things they need to live. His job is very important in keeping life going on earth.
Israfil and Azrael
In Islam, there are two important angels named Israfil and Azrael. Israfil has a special job of blowing a trumpet on the Day of Judgment. This trumpet sound will mean that the world is coming to an end and that everyone will be called to face their actions. It’s a very important moment for all people. On the other hand, Azrael is known as the Angel of Death. His job is to take the souls of people when they die. This means that when someone passes away, Azrael gently helps their soul leave their body and go to the next life. Both of these angels have important roles in Allah’s plan. Israfil helps mark the end of our time on earth, and Azrael helps guide us into the next journey after life.
Fascinating Facts About Angels in Islam
Angels Never Disobey Allah
In Islam, one of the most amazing things about angels is that they never disobey Allah. This means that angels always do exactly what Allah tells them to do. They are very special because they do not have free will like humans and jinn do. Free will is the ability to make choices, but angels can’t choose to do anything wrong. They can’t sin or go against Allah’s commands. Whatever Allah asks them to do, they do it right away without any hesitation. For example, if Allah tells an angel to deliver a message or protect someone, that angel will do it without thinking twice. This shows how loyal and obedient angels are, and it makes them very different from other creatures. Their complete obedience to Allah is one of the reasons why they are so important in Islam.
Angels’ Ability to Take Different Forms
Another interesting thing about angels is that they can take on different forms. Normally, we cannot see angels because they are invisible to our eyes. However, when angels need to do something important, like delivering messages or guiding people, they can appear in a way that we can see. For example, the angel Jibreel, who is very important in Islam, sometimes appeared to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a man. This allowed the Prophet to see and talk to him. When angels take on human form, they do it to help people understand the messages from Allah. This ability to change their form shows just how powerful and special angels are, making them able to help us in many different ways.
Number and Types of Angels in Islam
In Islam, there are countless angels, which means there are many, many of them, but only a few are named in the Quran. Each angel has a special job or role to do. Some angels protect humans, watching over us to keep us safe. Others have the important job of carrying out Allah’s commands, like delivering messages or giving out divine punishments. For example, Jibreel is a very important angel who brings messages from Allah to the prophets. Some angels work together in groups, such as the angels who surround the Throne of Allah. These angels are always busy doing their jobs, and each one plays a vital role in Allah’s creation. Their different types and roles show us how organized and powerful Allah’s plan is, and how angels help in so many important ways.
Angels and the Afterlife
The Role of Angels During Death
Angels have a very important job when it comes to what happens after we die. One of the key angels in this process is Azrael, who is known as the Angel of Death. When someone passes away, Azrael gently takes their soul out of their body. This is an important moment, and Azrael makes sure it happens with care. After Azrael takes the soul, it meets other angels who help prepare it for what comes next in the afterlife. These angels guide the soul and get it ready for the journey ahead. They help the soul understand what will happen in the next life, showing how kind and helpful angels are during this important time. This shows that angels are there to support us not just in life, but also in death, making the journey to the afterlife smoother and more peaceful.
Munkar and Nakir: Questioners in the Grave
After a person is buried, two special angels named Munkar and Nakir come to visit the grave. Their job is very important because they ask the person questions about their faith and what they did in their life. These questions are like a test to see how strong the person’s belief in Allah and His prophets was. Munkar and Nakir want to know if the person was good and followed Allah’s teachings. The answers to these questions will help decide what will happen to the person’s soul in the afterlife. This shows how important it is to live a good life and to believe in Allah, as these angels help guide us to the right path even after we are gone. It is a reminder for everyone to always try to do their best and be kind to others while they are alive.
Conclusion: Interesting Facts about Angels in the Quran
Angels in Islam hold an incredibly significant role, serving as messengers, protectors, and recorders of human actions. Their obedience to Allah and varied responsibilities make them crucial to the Islamic understanding of the universe and the afterlife. From delivering divine revelations to protecting individuals in their daily lives, angels are a constant presence in Islamic belief, reflecting Allah’s will in every action they take.
FAQs: Interesting Facts about Angels in the Quran
Q1. What are angels created from according to Islam?
A. Angels are created from pure light, according to Islamic teachings. This differentiates them from humans and jinn, who are created from clay and smokeless fire, respectively.
Q2. Do angels have free will in Islam?
A. No, angels do not have free will. They are obedient beings who always follow the commands of Allah without question or deviation.
Q3. How do angels help people in their daily lives?
A. Angels protect and guide people, often safeguarding them from unseen dangers. They also record every action and deed, which will be used for judgment in the afterlife.
Q4. How many angels are mentioned in the Quran?
Several angels are mentioned by name in the Quran, including Jibreel (Gabriel), Mikhail (Michael), Israfil, and Azrael. However, countless angels perform various tasks in the universe.
Q5. What role do angels play during death?
A. Azrael, the Angel of Death, takes the soul from the body at the time of death, and other angels help guide the soul through the afterlife journey.
Allah says in the Quran, “Will they not, then, ponder over this Qur’an?”
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